
Sons of Norway Foundation Annual Report

The 2023 Sons of Norway Foundation Annual Report is available to give you the opportunity to learn more about the Sons of Norway Foundation.

Sons of Norway Foundation News Update

This news update comes from Amy (Olson) Tuchenhagen, Direcctor, Sons of Norway Foundation:

Together We Are the Future campaign special update:

As we approach the end of the year and the end of the campaign on 1/15/25, our aim is to not only recruit new donors but also renew past donors. Here are a few tips:

  • Remember the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and as such gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible!
  • Credit card gifts are easy at Donate to Sons of Norway Foundation (which is:
  • Checks must be made out to Sons of Norway Foundation and mailed to 1455 W. Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55408.
  • An easy way to start a conversation is to mention that you gave your gift this year and invite them to “join me” in supporting the Foundation and its mission.
  • Point to the Annual Report that has impact stories from donors, grant and scholarship winners.Annual Reports | Sons of Norway

** News flash! We have just received a call from a generous donor offering a matching gift! All gifts will be matched up to $5,500 in total gifts. What a great way to inspire year end giving. Gratitude goes out to donor Darrin Lee, Sons of Norway Foundation Board Treasurer and Tordenskjold Lodge 2-005 President in Spokane, WA. Please do share this opportunity with your district and Sons of Norway communities.

Grants and scholarships:

I would also appreciate your promotion of our grants and scholarships as the application period is upon us. There are some wonderful opportunities for lodges to get help with program funding or lodge improvements. We also have 15 scholarship opportunities for students to study stateside or even abroad. Could you please share these links within your district? This is a great way for people to experience the good work of the Foundation.

  • Grant applications (due 12/31/2024) – apply here Grants | Sons of Norway
  • If they have any issues with application, email email hidden; JavaScript is required
  • Scholarship applications (due 1/15/2024 OR 2/15/2024, check each scholarship) – Scholarships | Sons of Norway
    • Special spotlight on the Douglas Warne-Rolf & Wenche Eng scholarship for study abroad opportunity in Norway
    • Special spotlight on the District 6 scholarship for undergraduate, technical or vocational students in the US
    • If they have any issues with application, email email hidden; JavaScript is required

Sons of Norway CEO Explains Dues Increase

The new Sons of Norway CEO, Dan Seyfried, provides some information that members may not have previously heard about the dues increase. He speaks on Youtube:

Check the Sons of Norway Foundation for Scholarships

Early in the Fall is a good time to check opportunities to receive scholarships from Sons of Norway. Information about these scholarships is available from Applications for scholarships that support international travel are due on January 15. Other scholarship applications are due on March 1. Go to the above website to find out about these scholarships. The sooner you investigate them before application deadline, the better chance you will have to get one. Many Sons of Norway members fail to realize the benefits available from the Foundation. By investigating what the Foundation offers, you will have an advantage. Visit our FOUNDATION page for more information about the Sons of Norway Foundation.

Information is available in a grid listing of available scholarships and in a brochure.

Digital Vaccination Record for Californians

The State of California now offers a way to record on your mobile phone evidence of COVID vaccination. You get a record that has:

  • A QR code
  • Your name
  • Your date of birth
  • Date of each vaccination
  • Manufacturer of each vaccination

To get this record, go to . Enter your first and last name and date of birth. Choose to provide your e-mail address or cell phone number that you used to schedule your shot(s). Enter a code that will be used to decrypt your record. Choose the code so that you will remember it. Click the box that asserts under penalty of perjury that you are authorized to receive the record for the person whose name you entered and then click SUBMIT. You will receive either an email or a text message that has a link to view your vaccine record. That link is good for 24 hours. When you click on it, you will see the record that you want to have in your phone. I am a user of Apple infrastructure, so I put my record into Notes. You can click the FAQ link in the above-mentioned website to find out what you can do with this record.

Update: Be sure to get an image of the certificate to store in your phone. The passcode works for only 24 hours.

Norwegian Heritage Meetup Group

A Meetup group has been created for Norwegian oriented events that take place in the San Diego area and are known by the person who runs this Meetup group. Lodge members are encouraged to join this Meetup group. Instructions are on Page 10 of the May 2021 Valhall Viking.

Sons of Norway Grants for Members in Need

Sons of Norway Foundation has humanitarian relief funds available for Sons of Norway members. The funds cover unreimbursed expenses of up to $5,000. One fund covers medical expenses and another covers natural disasters. In this time of COVID-19 and fires in California, it is nice to have these funds.

Details are at  Scroll down to Humanitarian Grants for Disaster Relief. EVERYTHING is done on line these days so forms cannot be printed and sent out to be completed.

Many Sons of Norway members fail to realize the benefits available from the Foundation. By investigating what the Foundation offers, you will have an advantage. Visit our FOUNDATION page for more information about the Sons of Norway Foundation.

Camp Norge

You can follow activities at Camp Norge here.